Weekly Wednesday soup suppers (6 pm) and Lenten service (7 pm) begin on March 12th.

For an update on Missionary Support for St. Andrew Lutheran Church, check HERE.

Bible Studies

Monday night bible studies are studying the next Sunday’s pericope readings.

Bible Study the first and third Saturday of each month. Our next study will be on March 15th.

Sunday Services

We live-stream services on Facebook every Sunday - click HERE. (no FB account required)

Sunday readings are listed HERE. Hymn listings are HERE.

Updated 7Mar2025

ESV Bible                                                            Online Scriptures

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Home Page     LCMS Homepage

Book of Concord                                                 The Lutheran Confessions

LCMS Doctrinal FAQs                                        Q&A Format Beliefs and Practices

Issues Etc.                                                            Lutheran Talk Radio

KFUO                                                                 Lutheran Talk Radio

Table Talk Radio                                                  Lutheran Talk Radio

Grappling with the Text                                       Lutheran Web TV

Concordia Publishing House                               Lutheran Publishing

Lutheran Service Book Hymns                            Lutheran Hymn Scores and Lyrics

Lutheran Liturgy                                                 Liturgical LCMS Congregation Locator

Reformation 500                                                 The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

Christian Cyclopedia                                           Definitions of Christian terms
